Sažetak | Svrha istraživanja bila je ispitati antibakterijski učinak MTA, Endosequence, AH Plus i Endo N2 materijala za punjenje korijenskih kanala na bakterije Streptococcus mitis i Streptococcus oralis. Pri tome su korištena dva testa: test difuzije u agaru (ADT) i test izravnog dodira (DCT). Kod ADT-a suspenzija svake bakterijske vrste nanesena je na površinu krvnog agara, gdje su potom dodani materijali za punjenje korijenskih kanala. Nakon inkubacije od 24 sata, izmjeren je promjer zone inhibicije rasta oko svakog materijala. Kod DTC-a u zdence su postavljeni materijali na koje su dodane mikrobne suspenzije. Nakon 1 sata, u svaki je zdenac dodano BHI bujona te su uzorci inkubirani tijekom 1, 6, 20 i 24 sata. Pri završetku svakog vremenskog razdoblja napravljena su razrjeđenja koja su nasađena na krvni agar te je sljedeći dan određen broj bakterijskih kolonija (CFU/ml). Najveći antibakterijski utjecaj na Streptococcus mitis, prema ADT-u, imao je Endo N2, uz širinu zone inhibicije rasta od 15 mm. Na Streptococcus oralis najveći je antibakterijski utjecaj imao Endosequence, uz širinu zone inhibicije rasta od 14 mm. DCT-om najveći je antibakterijski utjecaj na Streptococcus mitis pokazao AH Plus, gdje je nakon inkubacijskog razdoblja od 24 sata broj bakterija bio 1.45x10. Najveći antibakterijski utjecaj na Streptococcus oralis imao je MTA, gdje je broj spomenutih bakterija nakon inkubacijskog razdoblja od 24 sata bio 1.89 x 10. Najveću zonu inhibicije rasta ispitivanih bakterija pokazali su Endosequence i Endo N2. Kod DCT-a za Streptococcus mitis, AH Plus i MTA pokazali su se djelotvornijim u usporedbi s Endosequence i Endo N2 materijalima, dok je najbolji antimikrobni učinak za Streptococcus oralis postignut s MTA-om. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The aim of this study was to examine the antibacterial effect of MTA, Endosequence, AH Plus and Endo N2 root canal filling materials, on bacteria Streptococcus mitis and Streptococcus oralis. Therefore, two tests were used, the agar diffusion test (ADT) and the direct contact test (DCT). For ADT, a suspension of each bacteria was applied onto the surface of the blood agar plate. Then, the root canal filling materials were added. After 24h of incubation, the diameter of growth inhibition zone around each of the materials was measured. For DCT, materials were placed into the wells, onto which afterwards, microbial suspensions were added. After one hour, BHI broth was added into each of the wells. Subsequently, the samples were incubated for 1, 6, 20 and 24 hours. Then, dilutions, plated on blood agar, were made after each time period. The number of bacterial colonies (CFU/ml) was determined the next day. According to ADT, Endo N2 had the biggest antibacterial effect on Streptococcus mitis, with a zone width of 15 mm, while Endosequence had the best effect on Streptococcus oralis, with a zone width of 14 mm. For DCT, AH Plus had a major antibacterial effect on Streptococcus mitis, where, after 24h of incubation, the number of bacteria was 1.45x10. As for Streptococcus oralis, the greatest antibacterial effect was caused by MTA, after the same time period, having a number of bacteria of 1.89 x 10. Endosequence and Endo N2 displayed the biggest growth inhibition zone of the bacteria examined. For DCT, AH Plus and MTA were more efficient on Streptococcus mitis compared to Endosequence and Endo N2, while MTA had the best antibacterial effect on Streptococcus oralis. |