Sažetak | Svrha je ovog rada opisati temeljne principe i tehnike neinvazivne i minimalno invazivne dentalne medicine uz naglasak na estetiku osmijeha. Upravo je promocija estetike kroz medije i društvene mreže imala pozitivan utjecaj na pacijente, koji sve više pažnje posvećuju ljepoti, ali i očuvanju svojih zuba. Estetske zahtjeve pacijenta moguće je postići na velik broj načina, bez značajnog brušenja ili opsežnih preparacija koje su karakteristične za tradicionalni pristup terapiji. Također, razvoj tehnologije omogućio je primjenu neinvazivnih i minimalno invazivnih tehnika, koje polako zamjenjuju tradicionalni pristup. Tvrdo se zubno tkivo poštuje, koriste se suvremeni i kvalitetni instrumenti i materijali te tehnike kojima se, osim optimalnog terapijskog ishoda, postiže i bezbolnost i udobnost za pacijenta. U kontekstu dentalne medicine, u neinvazivne zahvate ubrajaju se remineralizacija početnih karijesnih lezija, izbjeljivanje zuba, ortodontska terapija, ljuskice bez brušenja te infiltracijska ICON tehnika. S druge strane, minimalno invazivni zahvati obuhvaćaju tehnike kao što su kemomehanička tehnika, zračna abrazija, zračno poliranje, mikroabrazija te preparacije (npr. tanjuraste, tunelske ili miniormarić preparacije). Dodatno, s ciljem postizanja što boljeg estetskog rezultata i minimizacije uklanjanja tvrdog zubnog tkiva, nerijetko se koriste uređaji poput lasera i oscilirajućih instrumenata. U fokusu je minimalno invazivne dentalne medicine u osnovi to da se bolest želi prevenirati, a ukoliko nastane, što prije liječiti, uz poštedu zdravih tkiva. Za postizanje još boljih rezultata u minimalno invazivnoj dentalnoj medicini važno je pratiti razvoj materijala, protokola i tehnologija te dostupnu literaturu sa znanstvenim dokazima o njihovim svojstvima, njihovoj uspješnosti i dugotrajnosti. |
Sažetak (engleski) | The purpose of this thesis is to describe the fundamental principles and techniques of non-invasive and minimally invasive dental procedures, with an emphasis on smile aesthetics. The promotion of aesthetics through media and social networks has had a positive impact on patients, who are increasingly paying attention to beauty as well as the preservation of their original tooth structure. Patient's aesthetic requirements can be achieved with different treatments, without significant drilling or extensive preparations which are characteristic for the traditional approach to therapy. Additionally, advancements in technology have enabled the application of non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques, which are gradually replacing traditional methods. Hard dental tissue is highly respected, and modern, high-quality instruments and materials are used, along with techniques that not only achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes but also ensure pain-free procedure and comfort for the patient. In the context of dental medicine, non-invasive procedures include remineralization of initial carious lesions, teeth whitening, orthodontic therapy, non-prep veneers, and the ICON infiltration technique. On the other hand, minimally invasive procedures encompass techniques such as chemo-mechanical methods, air abrasion, air polishing, microabrasion, and preparations (e.g., saucer-shaped, tunnel, or mini-box preparations). Additionally, devices such as lasers and oscillating instruments are often used to achieve the best possible aesthetic result and to minimize the removal of hard dental tissue. The focus of minimally invasive dental medicine is fundamentally on preventing disease and, if it occurs, treating it as early as possible while preserving healthy tissues. To achieve even better results in minimally invasive dental medicine, it is important to keep up with the development of materials, protocols, technologies, and available literature with scientific evidence regarding their properties, effectiveness, and longevity. |