Sažetak | Uvod: Bisfosfonati su lijekovi koji se koriste više od tri desetljeća u terapiji brojih
stanja. Uzrokuju razliĉite nuspojave, od kojih su najvažnije osteonekroza ĉeljusti i
avaskularna nekroza sluznice. Incidencija BIONJ-a je u znaĉajnom porastu, od 0,1%
kod per os primjene, pa do 20% kod parenteralne primjene, a višestruko se povećava
invazivnim zahvatima u ĉeljustima. Rano prepoznavanje i održavanje oralnog
zdravlja minimalno invazivnim postupcima kod bolesnika, koju su ili će biti pod
terapijom bisfosfonatima, kljuĉ su prevencije. Ispitanici i postupci: Anonimnim
upitnikom postavljenim na internet ispitano je 20% doktora dentalne medicine s
podruĉja Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, ukupno njih 102. Rezultati: Ukupno znanje
doktora dentalne medicine sa specijalizacijom je veće od onih bez. Ispitanih 35,3%
tijekom svog obrazovanja steklo je znanja o primjeni bisfosfonatne terapije.
Terapijske indikacije ne zna 72,5% ispitanih. 44,1% ne zna glavne komplikacije.
Riziĉne zahvate ne zna 52,9%, a riziĉne faktore 90,2%. Zanimljivo je da ĉak 60,8%
smatra da je sposobno procijeniti rizik. Kada prekinuti terapiju ne zna 53,9%. Kako
pripremiti pacijenta na terapiju bisfosfonatima ne zna 70,6% ispitanih. 23,5% se
ranije srelo s osteonekrozom. 81,4% ispitanih izrazilo je želju za novim saznanjima.
Zaključak: Studija ukazuje kako znanje nije na razini na kojoj bi bilo poželjno da
bude i ukazuje na potrebu za boljom edukacijom u dodiplomskom obrazovanju i kroz
poslijediplomske teĉajeve trajnog obrazovanja. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Introduction: Bisphosphonates are drugs which have been in use for more than 3
decades for the treatment of numerous conditions. They are causing different side
effects, most important being osteonecrosis of the jaws and avascular necrosis of
mucosa. BIONJ incidence is in a significant increase, from 0.1% with per os usage,
to 20% with parenteral usage, and it multiplies with invasive procedures on the jaws.
Early recognition and maintenance of oral health with minimally invasive procedures
in patients that are, or will be, under treatment with bisphosphonates are the key to
prevention. Respondents and methods: Anonymous online questionnaire study
included 20% of dentists from the Split-Dalmatia County, a total of 102. Results:
Total knowledge of specialized doctors of dental medicine is higher than those
without specialization. 35.3% of respondents got knowledge about bisphosphonate
therapy in the course of their education. 72.5% of respondents are not familiar with
therapeutic indications. 44.1% are not familiar with main complications. 52.9% are
not familiar with risk interventions and 90.2% are not familiar with the risk factors. It
is interesting that 60.8% respondents believe that they are capable of estimating the
risk. 53.9% are not able to decide when to stop the therapy. 70.6% of respondents do
not know how to prepare the patient for treatment with bisphosphonates. 23.5% of
respondents met with osteonecrosis before. 81.4% of respondents expressed a wish
for new information. Conclusion: The study indicates that knowledge is not at the
proper level and shows the need for better education in undergraduate education and
throughout postgraduate continuing education courses. |