
Oligomicrodontia in a Pediatric Cancer Survivor after Chemotherapy: 
A Case Report
Oligomicrodontia in a Pediatric Cancer Survivor after Chemotherapy: A Case Report
Zulijani Ana
Žigante Martina
Morelato Luka
Perić Berislav
Milardović Ana
One-Year Evaluation of High-Power Rapid Curing on Dentin Bond Strength
One-Year Evaluation of High-Power Rapid Curing on Dentin Bond Strength
Klarić Eva
Bosnić Josipa Vukelja
Par Matej
Tarle Zrinka
Marović Danijela
Opiorphin as a biomarker of orofacial conditions: a meta-analysis
Opiorphin as a biomarker of orofacial conditions: a meta-analysis
Porporatti André Luís
de Oliveira Machado Claudia Aparecida
Alajbeg Ivan
Alajbeg Iva Z.
Paszynska Elzbieta
Dmitrzak-Weglarz Monika
Braud Adeline
Boucher Yves
Oral Microbiome Research in Biopsy Samples of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Challenges
Oral Microbiome Research in Biopsy Samples of Oral Potentially Malignant Disorders and Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Its Challenges
Špiljak Bruno
Ozretić Petar
Andabak Rogulj Ana
Lončar Brzak Božana
Brailo Vlaho
Škerlj Marija
Vidović Juras Danica
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Lončar Brzak Božana
Horvat Aleksijević Lorena
Vindiš Ema
Kordić Iva
Granić Marko
Vidović Juras Danica
Andabak Rogulj Ana
Oxidative Status of Saliva and Plasma in Diabetic Children
Oxidative Status of Saliva and Plasma in Diabetic Children
Porovic Selma
Juric Hrvoje
Dinarevic Senka M
Patterns of Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia
Patterns of Antibiotic Prescription in Endodontic Therapy in the Republic of Croatia
Sović Josipa
Šegović Sanja
Pavelić Božidar
Bago Ivona
Šutej Ivana
Tomašić Ivan
