Abstract | Parodontitis označava upalnu bolest koja zahvaća potporno tkivo zuba, a uzrokovana je specifičnim anaerobnim patogenima. Parodontološka kirurgija dio je druge korektivne faze parodontološke terapije čiji je cilj dugotrajno pridonijeti očuvanju parodonta. Može se podijeliti na resektivnu, mukogingivalnu i regenerativnu kirurgiju čiji je cilj restitutio ad integrum, odnosno obnova i stvaranje zdravih parodontnih sastavnica; cementa, alveolarne kosti, periodontalnog ligamenta i gingive. Regenerativna kirurgija ima superiorniji estetski ishod u usporedbi s ostalim metodama terapije. Korištenjem koštanih nadomjesnih materijala, tkivno vođene regeneracije GTR (eng. guided tissue regeneration), faktora rasta i diferencijacije ili kombinacijom navedenih metoda moguće je uspješno liječiti intrakoštane i ostale parodontološke defekte. Kombinacija navedenih metoda pokazala se uspješnijom u usporedbi s monoterapijom. Sustavnim pregledom dosadašnje literature vezane uz dugoročno praćenje pacijenata liječenih regenerativnim metodama terapije može se zaključiti da regenerativna terapija intrakoštanih defekata rezultira boljim kliničkim vrijednostima u usporedbi s konvencionalnim parodontološkim metodama. Dosadašnja saznanja limitirana su nedostatkom kvantitete i kvalitete dokaza. Svrha ovog rada jest prikazati, sustavno procijeniti i objediniti dugoročne rezultate praćenja literature vezane uz upotrebu regenerativnih metoda terapije u liječenju intrakoštanih defekata te pružiti uvid u korištene materijale i metode, praćenje pacijenata, klinički dobitak pričvrstka CAL (eng. clinical attachment level) i ostale relevantne parametre. |
Abstract (english) | Periodontitis refers to an inflammatory disease that affects the supporting tissue of the tooth and is caused by specific anaerobic pathogens. Periodontal surgery is a part of the second corrective phase of periodontal therapy, which aims to contribute to the long-term preservation of the periodontium. It can be divided into resective, mucogingival and regenerative surgery, the aim of which is restitutio ad integrum, i.e., the restoration and creation of healthy periodontal compositions; cementum, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, gingiva. Regenerative surgery has a superior aesthetic approach compared to other methods of therapy. By using bone replacement materials, guided tissue regeneration GTR, growth and differentiation factor, or a combination of these methods, it is possible to successfully treat intraosseous and other periodontal defects. The combination of the above methods proved to be more successful compared to monotherapy. A
systematic review of the current literature on the long-term follow-up of patients treated with regenerative therapy methods suggests that regenerative therapy of intraosseous defects results in better clinical values compared to conventional periodontal methods. To date, findings have been limited by the lack of quantity and quality of evidence. The aim of this paper is to present, systematically evaluate, and consolidate the long-term results of the literature review on the use of
regenerative therapy methods in the treatment of intraosseous defects, providing insight into the materials and methods used, patient monitoring, clinical gain of the CAL attachment, and other relevant parameters. |