Title Bolesti usne šupljine u kronično bolesne djece
Title (english) Diseases of the oral cavity in chronically ill in children
Author Valentina Šalković
Mentor Iva Mihatov Štefanović (mentor)
Committee member Eva Klarić Sever (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nada Galić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Sve veći broj kronično bolesne djece zbog napretka u dijagnostici i liječenju doživi odraslu dob. Smatra se da su kronično bolesna djeca izložena većem riziku od oralnih zdravstvenih problema od zdrave djece. Potreba za bolničkim liječenjem, neadekvatna oralna higijena, prehrana i učinak lijekova mogu pridonijeti razvoju bolesti usne šupljine. Osim povećanog rizika za bolesti usne šupljine, neke kronične bolesti poput: kronične upalne bolesti crijeva, poremećaji u jedenju, šećerna bolest tip 1 i celijakija, mogu se prepoznati promjenama na sluznici usne šupljine. Ulcerozne lezije, kronični tonzilitis i orofacijalna granulomatoza mogu biti prve manifestacije Crohnove bolesti. Promjene u usnoj šupljini, u bolesnika s poremećajima u jedenju, mogu biti posljedica pothranjenosti i svojevoljno izazvanog povraćanja i uključuju erozije cakline, karijes te promjene u količini i sastavu sline. Prvi znak celijakije mogu biti ponavljajuće afte u ustima, oštećenja cakline trajnih zubi, a često se javlja glositis i karijes. Djeca sa šećernom bolesti tip 1 imaju veći rizik za parodontne bolesti, kserostomiju i kandidijazu. Provođenje stomatoloških zahvata u ove djece zahtijeva poznavanje kontrole bolesti i planiranje zahvata ovisno o uzimanju obroka i inzulinskoj terapiji. Djeca s prirođenim srčanim greškama zbog neadekvatne prehrane i učinka lijekova mogu biti podložnija razvoju oralnih bolesti, a pojedine skupine ove djece zahtijevaju poseban nadzor i brigu o oralnom zdravlju zbog rizika infektivnog endokarditisa. Izvođenje određenih stomatoloških zahvata u ove djece zahtijeva primjenu profilakse infektivnog endokarditisa. Doktori dentalne medicine imaju ključnu ulogu u prepoznavanju znakova kroničnih bolesti u djece i njihovom liječenju, što može pridonijeti očuvanju zdravlja i poboljšanju kvalitete života.
Abstract (english) An increasing number of chronically ill children enter adulthood due to advances in diagnosis and treatment. Overall, chronically ill children are at a greater risk of oral health problems than healthy children. The need for hospital treatment and inadequate oral hygiene, malnutrition, and the effect of medications can contribute to the development of oral cavity diseases. In addition to the increased risk for oral cavity diseases, some chronic diseases such as chronic inflammatory bowel diseases, eating disorders, diabetes type 1, and celiac disease, can be recognized by changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Ulcerative lesions, chronic tonsillitis and orofacial granulomatosis can be the first manifestations of Crohn's disease. Changes in the oral cavity in patients with eating disorders can be the result of malnutrition and self-induced vomiting and include enamel erosion, caries, and changes in the amount and composition of saliva. The first sign of celiac disease can be recurrent canker sores in the mouth, damage to the enamel of permanent teeth, and often glossitis and caries. Children with celiac disease type 1 have a higher risk for periodontal disease, xerostomia, and candidiasis. Dental procedures in these children require extensive knowledge of disease control while planning the procedure depending on meal intake and insulin therapy. Children with congenital heart defects may be more susceptible to the development of oral diseases due to malnutrition and the effect of medications. Certain groups of these children require special supervision and care for oral health due to the risk of infectious endocarditis. The performance of certain dental procedures in these children requires the use of infective endocarditis prophylaxis. Dentists play a key role in recognizing the signs of chronic diseases and their treatment in children, which can contribute to preserving the health and improving the quality of life.
oralna sluznica
Crohnova bolest
ulcerozni kolitis
šećerna bolest
prirođene srčane greške
infektivni endokarditis
stomatološka skrb za kronične bolesnike
stomatološka skrb za djecu
Keywords (english)
oral mucosa
Crohn's disease
ulcerative colitis
diabetes mellitus
celiac disease
congenital heart defects
infective endocarditis
dental care for hronically Ill
dental care for children
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:540353
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-06 13:31:15