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Gabrijela Kapetanović Petričević (list of objects)
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Authoring papers
Eksperimentalno ispitivanje učinkovitosti laserski aktiviranoga fotoakustičnoga strujanja u endodontskom liječenju
Kapetanović Petričević, Gabrijela
Doctoral thesis
Defence date: 08.12.2024.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Comparison of a Novel Modality of Erbium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser-Activated Irrigation and Ultrasonic Irrigation against Mature Enterococcus faecalis Biofilm—An In Vitro Study
Petričević, Gabrijela Kapetanović; Perčinić, Antonio; Budimir, Ana; Sesar, Anja; Anić, Ivica; Bago, Ivona
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 04.10.2024.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
The Efficacy of Er:YAG Laser-Activated Shock Wave-Enhanced Emission Photoacoustic Streaming Compared to Ultrasonically Activated Irrigation and Needle Irrigation in the Removal of Bioceramic Filling Remnants from Oval Root Canals—An Ex Vivo Study
Kapetanović Petričević, Gabrijela; Katić, Marko; Brzović Rajić, Valentina; Anić, Ivica; Bago, Ivona
Paper published in journal / Scientific paper - Original scientific paper
Publication: 19.12.2022.
Rad je objavljen i na sljedećim repozitorijima:
Utjecaj položaja glave i tijela na zubne dodire
Kapetanović, Gabrijela
Master's thesis
Defence date: 20.09.2016.
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