@mastersthesis{mef:10060, author = {{Čukman, Tina}}, title = {{Značaj fotoprotekcije u terapiji akne}}, } @phdthesis{mef:7232, author = {{Topalušić, Iva}}, title = {{Prevalencija alergijskih simptoma u školske djece u Gradu Zagrebu i u Lonjskom polju}}, } @article{mef:7370, author = {{Gunarić, Anita and Šimić, Dubravka and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Clinical and immunopathological characteristics of autoimmune blistering skin diseases}}, } @article{mef:10150, author = {{Peris, Ketty and Fargnoli, Maria Concetta and Kaufmann, Roland and Arenberger, Petr and Bastholt, Lars and Seguin, Nicole Basset and Bataille, Veronique and Brochez, Lieve and del Marmol, Veronique and Dummer, Reinhard and Forsea, Ana-Marie and Gaudy-Marqueste, Caroline and Harwood, Catherine A. and Hauschild, Axel and Höller, Christoph and Kandolf, Lidija and Kellerners-Smeets, Nicole W.J. and Lallas, Aimilios and Leiter, Ulrike and Malvehy, Josep and Marinović, Branka and Mijuskovic, Zeljko and Moreno-Ramirez, David and Nagore, Eduardo and Nathan, Paul and Stratigos, Alexander J. and Stockfleth, Eggert and Tagliaferri, Luca and Trakatelli, Myrto and Vieira, Ricardo and Zalaudek, Iris and Garbe, Claus}}, title = {{European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline for diagnosis and treatment of basal cell carcinoma - update 2023}}, } @article{mef:10209, author = {{Lakoš Jukić, Ines and Mokos, Mislav and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{HLA class II antigens in Croatian patients with pemphigus vulgaris and their correlation with anti-desmoglein antibodies}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6653, author = {{Weiss, Amit}}, title = {{Dermatoses of pregnancy}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6819, author = {{Duliba, Iva}}, title = {{Kožne manifestacije endokrinih poremećaja}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:7064, author = {{Vusić, Lucija}}, title = {{Liječenje alopecija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6908, author = {{Matek, Tena}}, title = {{Suvremeni pristup liječenju vitiliga}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:6986, author = {{Rončević, Mislav}}, title = {{Suvremeni terapijski pristup keloidu}}, } @article{mef:7162, author = {{Antiga, Emiliano and Bech, Rikke and Maglie, Roberto and Genovese, Giovanni and Borradori, Luca and Bockle, Barbara and Caproni, Marzia and Caux, Frédéric and Chandran, Nisha Suyien and Corrà, Alberto and D'Amore, Francesco and Daneshpazhooh, Maryam and De, Dipankar and Didona, Dario and Dmochowski, Marian and Drenovska, Kossara and Ehrchen, Jan and Feliciani, Claudio and Goebeler, Matthias and Groves, Richard and Günther, Claudia and Handa, Sanjeev and Hofmann, Silke C. and Horvath, Barbara and Ioannidis, Dimitrios and Jedlickova, Hana and Kowalewski, Cezary and Kridin, Khalaf and Joly, Pascal and Lim, Yen Loo and Marinović, Branka and Maverakis, Emanual and Meijer, Joost and Patsatsi, Aikaterini and Pincelli, Carlo and Prost, Catherine and Setterfield, Jane and Sprecher, Eli and Skiljevic, Dusan and Tasanen, Kaisa and Uzun, Soner and Van Beek, Nina and Vassileva, Snejina and Vorobyev, Artem and Vujic, Igor and Wang, Gang and Wang, Mingyue and Wozniak, Katarzyna and Yayli, Savas and Zambruno, Giovanna and Hashimoto, Takashi and Schmidt, Enno and Mascarò, José Manuel and Marzano, Angelo Valerio}}, title = {{S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)}}, } @article{mef:7216, author = {{Tešanović Perković, Deša and Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita—Current and Emerging Treatments}}, } @article{mef:4909, author = {{Borradori, L. and Van Beek, N. and Feliciani, C. and Tedbirt, B. and Antiga, E. and Bergman, R. and Böckle, B. C. and Caproni, M. and Caux, F. and Chandran, N.S. and Cianchini, G. and Daneshpazhooh, M. and De, D. and Didona, D. and Di Zenzo, G. M. and Dmochowski, M. and Drenovska, K. and Ehrchen, J. and Goebeler, M. and Groves, R. and Günther, C. and Horvath, B. and Hertl, M. and Hofmann, S. and Ioannides, D. and Itzlinger‐Monshi, B. and Jedličková, J. and Kowalewski, C. and Kridin, K. and Lim, Y. L. and Marinović, Branka and Marzano, A. V. and Mascaro, J.‐M. and Meijer, J.M. and Murrell, D. and Patsatsi, K. and Pincelli, C. and Prost, C. and Rappersberger, K. and Sárdy, M. and Setterfield, J. and Shahid, M. and Sprecher, E. and Tasanen, K. and Uzun, S. and Vassileva, S. and Vestergaard, K. and Vorobyev, A. and Vujic, I. and Wang, G. and Wozniak, K. and Yayli, S. and Zambruno, G. and Zillikens, D. and Schmidt, E. and Joly, P.}}, title = {{Updated S2 K guidelines for the management of bullous pemphigoid initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV)}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5513, author = {{Zanze, Lucija}}, title = {{Laboratorijska dijagnostika autoimunih buloznih dermatoza}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5134, author = {{Hadžavdić, Ayla}}, title = {{Obilježja novodijagnosticiranih zloćudnih tumora kože u eri pandemiije COVID-19}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5265, author = {{Petrović, Ante}}, title = {{Suvremeni pristup liječenju vulgarne psorijaze}}, } @article{mef:4957, author = {{Miše, Joško and Lakoš Jukić, Ines and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Rituximab - Progress but Still Not a Final Resolution for Pemphigus Patients: Clinical Report From a Single Center Study}}, } @article{mef:4193, author = {{Marinović, Branka and Miše, Joško and Lakoš Jukić, Ines and Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka}}, title = {{Pemphigu - The Crux of Clinics, Research, and Treatment during the COVID-19 Pandemic}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5025, author = {{Siboni, Chen}}, title = {{Treatment options for moderate to severe psoriasis}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5012, author = {{Parać, Ena}}, title = {{Acneiform eruptions}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:5004, author = {{Koželj, Marko}}, title = {{Treatment of severe acne}}, } @phdthesis{pharma:2660, author = {{Tomić, Ivona}}, title = {{Razvoj funkcionalnoga hidrogela s nanokristalima azelatne kiseline}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4480, author = {{Šerman, Nikola}}, title = {{Genetski čimbenici u etiopatogenezi melanoma}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4040, author = {{Franić, Ana}}, title = {{Primjena kemijskog pilinga u uklanjanju znakova starenja kože}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3784, author = {{Ponosheci-Biçaku, Albina}}, title = {{The risk of Lyme borreliosis infection following tick bite in Pristina region, Kosovo}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:4170, author = {{Kovačec, Lovorka}}, title = {{Mukokutane komplikacije onkološke terapije}}, } @phdthesis{mef:3014, author = {{Manola, Ivana}}, title = {{Učinkovitost dermoskopije u preoperativnom razlikovanju površinskoga od drugih podtipova bazocelularnog karcinoma kože i u predikciji ruba tumora}}, } @phdthesis{medri:4329, author = {{Vičić, Marijana}}, title = {{CITOTOKSIČNI MEHANIZMI POSREDOVANI GRANULIZINOM I PERFORINOM-2 U PATOGENEZI PSORIJAZE I LIHEN PLANUSA}}, } @phdthesis{mef:2807, author = {{Lakoš Jukić, Ines}}, title = {{Imunopatološke i imunogenetičke značajke bolesnika s pemphigus vulgaris u Hrvatskoj}}, } @phdthesis{mef:2897, author = {{Jurakić Tončić, Ružica}}, title = {{Određivanje genotipskih i fenotipskih biomarkera kožne barijere u bolesnika s atopijskim dermatitisom}}, } @mastersthesis{pharma:1838, author = {{Micelli, Matea}}, title = {{Biljne sastavnice preparata za kroničnu vensku insuficijenciju}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3735, author = {{Klapan, Lea}}, title = {{Autoimmune skin diseases and the face}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3036, author = {{Ilić, Crisel}}, title = {{Najčešći dermatitisi u dječjoj dobi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:3630, author = {{Pavlić, Bepa}}, title = {{Suvremene spoznaje o etiopatogenezi hidradenitis suppurativa}}, } @article{mef:2552, author = {{Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka and Petković, Mikela and Balić, Anamaria and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{The association between clinical and laboratory findings of bullous pemphigoid and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in the elderly: a retrospective study}}, } @article{mef:2877, author = {{Jurakić Tončić, Ruzica and Jakaša, Ivone and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana and Goorden, Susan MI and Vlugt, Karen JM Ghauharali-van der and Stet, Femke S and Balić, Anamaria and Petković, Mikela and Pavičić, Borna and Žužul, Kristina and Marinović, Branka and Kežić, Sanja}}, title = {{Altered Levels of Sphingosine, Sphinganine and Their Ceramides in Atopic Dermatitis Are Related to Skin Barrier Function, Disease Severity and Local Cytokine Milieu}}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:646, author = {{Meštrović Štefekov, Jelena}}, title = {{Povezanost atopijskoga dermatitisa i stresa određenoga salivarnim kortizolom i psihološkim testovima kvalitete života}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2471, author = {{El Mcherqui, Imane}}, title = {{Management of keloids and hypertrophic scars}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2193, author = {{Patrun, Stjepan}}, title = {{Mikrobiom kože i akne}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2288, author = {{Kuna, Matea}}, title = {{Psorijaza u bolesnika starije životne dobi}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2192, author = {{Soldo, Ana}}, title = {{Sifilis danas}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:2194, author = {{Vlašić, Domagoj}}, title = {{Terapija autoimunih buloznih dermatoza}}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:533, author = {{Novak-Bilić, Gaby}}, title = {{Imunohistokemijska izraženost cd44 u kontaktnom alergijskom i iritativnom dermatitisu u korelaciji s razvojem kliničke slike}}, } @phdthesis{sfzg:558, author = {{Sjerobabski Masnec, Ines}}, title = {{Indikatori kvalitete života bolesnika s dermatološkim bolestima koje se manifestiraju na licu}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1945, author = {{Horvat, Kristina}}, title = {{Ciljana i imunoterapija metastatskog melanoma}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1770, author = {{Obradović, Barbara}}, title = {{Frontalna fibrozirajuća alopecija}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1728, author = {{Faruqui, Ibad Ahmad}}, title = {{Recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of rosacea}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1690, author = {{Perlić, Angela}}, title = {{Kožne popratne promjene pri primjeni biološke terapije}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1616, author = {{Cigić, Valentina}}, title = {{Kutane manifestacije eritemskog lupusa}}, } @article{mef:8310, author = {{Bukvić Mokos, Zrinka and Jović, Anamaria and Grgurević, Lovorka and Dumić-Čule, Ivo and Kostović, Krešimir and Čeović, Romana and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Current therapeutic approach to hypertrophic scars}}, } @article{mef:8762, author = {{Koppes, Sjors A. and Ljubojević Hadžavdić, Suzana and Jakasa, Ivone and Franceschi, Nika and Riethmüller, Christoph and Jurakić Tončic, Ružica and Marinović, Branka and Raj, Nidhin and Rawlings, Anthony V. and Voegeli, Rainer and Lane, Majella E. and Haftek, Marek and Frings-Dresen, Monique H.W. and Rustemeyer, Thomas and Kezic, Sanja}}, title = {{Effect of allergens and irritants on levels of natural moisturizing factor and corneocyte morphology}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1265, author = {{Pezerović, Ružica}}, title = {{Kožne manifestacije kod kroničnog oblika reakcije transplantata protiv primatelja}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:1320, author = {{Horvat, Ivona}}, title = {{Suvremeni terapijski pristup ožiljcima nakon akni}}, } @mastersthesis{pharma:930, author = {{Brlečić, Nika}}, title = {{Modulacija mikrobioma kože}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5928, author = {{Štulhofer Buzina, Daška}}, title = {{Određivanje vrijednosti antigena buloznoga pemfigoida 1 i 2 za procjenu aktivnosti bolesti }}, } @mastersthesis{mef:803, author = {{Omazić, Marija}}, title = {{Biološki lijekovi u liječenju vulgarne psorijaze}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:592, author = {{Diminić, Ivana}}, title = {{Lupus erythematosus}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:903, author = {{Volf, Darija}}, title = {{Stečene bulozne dermatoze}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:630, author = {{Pedić, Lovre}}, title = {{Štetni učinci ultraljubičastog svjetla na kožu}}, } @article{mef:8095, author = {{Merola, J. F. and Nyberg, F. and Furukawa, F. and Goodfield, M. J. and Hasegawa, M. and Marinović, Branka and Szepietowski, J. and Dutz, J. and Werth, V. P.}}, title = {{Redefining cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a proposed international consensus approach and results of a preliminary questionnaire}}, } @article{mef:8109, author = {{Murrell, Dedee F. and Marinović, Branka and Caux, Frederic and Prost, Catherine and Ahmed, Razzaque and Wozniak, Katarzyna and Amagai, Masayuki and Bauer, Johann and Beissert, Stefan and Borradori, Luca and Culton, Donna and Fairley, Janet A. and Fivenson, David and Jonkman, Marcel F. and Marinkovich, M. Peter and Woodley, David and Zone, John and Aoki, Valeria and Bernard, Philippe and Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena and Cianchini, Giuseppe and Venning, Vanessa and Diaz, Luis and Eming, Rudiger and Grando, Sergei A. and Hall, Russell P. and Hashimoto, Takashi and Herrero-González, Josep E. and Hertl, Michael and Joly, Pascal and Karpati, Sarolta and Kim, Jaehwan and Chan Kim, Soo and Korman, Neil J. and Kowalewski, Cezary and Lee, Sang Eun and Rubenstein, David R. and Sprecher, Eli and Yancey, Kim and Zambruno, Giovanna and Zillikens, Detlef and Doan, Serge and Daniel, Benjamin S. and Werth, Victoria P.}}, title = {{Definitions and outcome measures for mucous membrane pemphigoid: recommendations of an international panel of experts}}, } @phdthesis{pmf:255, author = {{Đapić, Irena}}, title = {{Razvoj i validacija biokemijskih indikatora funkcije kožne barijere}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:46, author = {{Kos, Matea}}, title = {{Alergija na lijekove - dijagnostički pristup}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:514, author = {{Šolčić, Lidija}}, title = {{Kožni oblici eritemskog lupusa}}, } @mastersthesis{mef:35, author = {{Domiter, Andrea}}, title = {{Laboratorijska dijagnostika autoimunih bolesti kože}}, } @article{mef:9010, author = {{Bukvić-Mokos, Zrinka and Lipozenčić, Jasna and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Different therapeutic modalities in a patient with multiple spontaneously developed keloids: a case report}}, } @article{mef:8533, author = {{Murat-Sušić, Slobodna and Lipozenčić, Jasna and Žižić, Vesna and Husar, Karmela and Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Serum eosinophil cationic protein in children with atopic dermatitis}}, } @phdthesis{mef:5894, author = {{Marinović, Branka}}, title = {{Određivanje prisutnosti bakterije Treponema pallidum u bolesnika s primarnim stadijem ranog sifilisa i u kasnom latentnom sifilisu }}, }