Abstract | Matične stanice vrsta su stanica organizma koje su karakterizirane potencijalom samoobnove i
diferencijacije u druge vrste stanica. Prema potencijalu diferencijacije dijele se na totipotentne,
pluripotentne, multipotentne i unipotentne. U odraslom organizmu postoje samo u obliku
multipotentnih i unipotentnih, a najpoznatiji primjer su hematopoetske i mezenhimalne.
Mezenhimalne matične stanice diferenciraju se u mezodermalne derivate, poput kosti,
hrskavice, mišića, masnog tkiva ili krvožilnog sustava. U usnoj šupljini nalaze se u pulpi zuba,
parodontnom ligamentu, apikalnoj papili, sluznici usne šupljine i zubnom folikulu. Mogu se
izolirati iz navedenih tkiva te, stavljajući ih u različite medije, diferencirati u mezodermalne
derivate, neuralnu lozu te u manjoj mjeri i endodermalne derivate. Navedeni derivati mogu se
dobiti i iz bilo koje druge somatske stanice; one se prije raznim reprogramirajućim faktorima
mogu ponovno vratiti u pluripotentne, nalik embrionalnim stanicama. Somatske stanice
dobivene diferencijacijom matičnih stanica potom bi se mogle iskoristiti u regeneraciji tkiva
kod određenih degenerativnih bolesti, primjerice neuroloških ili kardiovaskularnih. Terapija
matičnim stanicama čini se obećavajućom, ali potrebno je još istraživanja kako bismo bili
sigurni da navedene stanice neće prouzročiti nepogodne ishode, poput maligne transformacije
ili dobivanja tkiva koje ne uspijeva vršiti svoju fiziološku funkciju. |
Abstract (english) | Stem cells are type of cells within the organism which are characterized by self-renewal
potential and the potential to differentiate into other cell types. Regarding differentiation
potential, they can be divided into totipotent, pluripotent, multipotent and unipotent. In a fully
grown organism they can be found only as multipotent and unipotent, with best-known
examples being hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. Mesenchymal stem cells
differentiate themselves into mesodermal derivates, e.g. bones, cartilages, muscles, fat tissue or
cardiovascular system. In an oral cavity they are situated in dental pulp, periodontal ligament,
apical papilla, oral mucosa and dental follicle. They can be isolated from previously mentioned
tissues and by putting them into different media, they can be differentiated into mesodermal
derivates, neural lineage or, to a lesser degree, endodermal derivates. Listed derivates can be
also obtained from any other type of somatic cell, which can previously be turned into
pluripotent like cells similar to embryonic cells, using reprogramming factors. Somatic cells
obtained by differentiation of stem cells could potentially be used in tissue regeneration in some
degenerative conditions, e.g. neurological disorders or cardiovascular diseases. Stem cell
therapy seems as promising one, but it is necessary to perform more research to be sure that
listed cells will not cause adverse outcomes, like malignant transformation or turning into tissue
that cannot perform its physiological role. |