Title Zub u maksilarnom sinusu
Title (english) Tooth in maxillary sinus
Author Una Protić
Mentor Josip Biočić (mentor)
Committee member Josip Biočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Perić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petar Đanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2025-02-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Zbog anatomske blizine maksilarnog sinusa i lateralnih zubi gornje čeljusti, mogući je pomak zuba i njegovih fragmenata u maksilarni sinus. Najčešći uzrok pomaka zuba u maksilarni sinus je jatrogeni. Tijekom ekstrakcije zuba, zbog neadekvatne radiološke dijagnostike, pretjerane upotrebe sila, ali i nedostatka kliničkog iskustva, može doći do pomaka zuba u maksilarni sinus. Nakon jatrogenog pomaka, drugi najčešći uzrok pomaka zuba u maksilarni sinus je trauma. Iako rijetko, pronalaze se slučajevi i ektopičnih zuba u maksilarnom sinusu. Uz ektopične zube, moguća je formacija folikularnih cista. Zabilježeni su i slučajevi prisutnosti osteoma uz ektopični zub.
Mogući je niz komplikacija vezanih uz zub u maksilarnom sinusu, kao što su oroantralna fistula i maksilarni sinusitis. Odontogeni maksilarni sinusitis najčešća je komplikacija uguranog zuba u maksilarni sinus. Neliječenjem, može doći do intrakranijalnih komplikacija i nastanka orbitalnog apscesa. Oroantralna komunikacija je neprirodna komunikacija između usne šupljine i maksilarnog sinusa, a najčešće je rezultat ekstrakcije lateralnih zuba. Manji defekti mogu se spontano zatvoriti, dok veći zahtijevaju kiruršku obadu. Neliječenjem, dolazi do nastanka oroantralne fistule.
Adekvatna radiološka dijagnostika ključna je za postavljanje dijagnoze i planiranje terapije. Upotrebom panoramske snimke može se dijagnosticirati zub u maksilarnom sinusu i diskontinuitet koštane lamine, međutim CT i CBCT precizne su metode koje se koriste za planiranje kirurškog zahvata i procjenu stupnja infekcije.
Tehnike uklanjanja zuba iz maksilarnog sinusa su Caldwell-Luc tehnika, kirurška metoda preko alveole i funkcionalna endoskopska sinusna kirurgija (FESS).
Abstract (english) Due to the anatomical proximity of the maxillary sinus and the lateral teeth of the upper jaw, displacement of the tooth and its fragments into the maxillary sinus is possible. The most common cause of tooth displacement into the maxillary sinus is iatrogenic. During tooth extraction, due to inadequate radiological diagnostics, excessive use of force, and lack of clinical experience, tooth displacement into the maxillary sinus can occur. After iatrogenic displacement, the second most common cause of tooth displacement into the maxillary sinus is trauma. Although rare, cases of ectopic teeth in the maxillary sinus are also found. Along with ectopic teeth, the formation of dentigerous cysts is possible. Cases of osteoma presence along with ectopic teeth have also been reported.
A range of complications associated with a tooth in the maxillary sinus is possible, such as oroantral fistula and maxillary sinusitis. Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is the most common complication of an impacted tooth in the maxillary sinus. If untreated, intracranial complications and the development of orbital abscess can occur. Oroantral communication is an unnatural communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus, and is most often a result of the extraction of lateral teeth. Smaller defects can close spontaneously, while larger ones require surgical intervention. If untreated, an oroantral fistula can form.
Adequate radiological diagnostics is crucial for making a diagnosis and planning therapy. Using panoramic imaging, a tooth in the maxillary sinus and a discontinuity of the bony lamina can be diagnosed; however, CT and CBCT are precise methods used for planning surgical procedures and assessing the degree of infection.
Techniques for removing a tooth from the maxillary sinus include the Caldwell-Luc technique, surgical methods through the alveolus, and functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS).
maksilarni sinus
jatrogeni pomak
ektopičan zub
oroantralna fistula
folikularna odontogena cista
Keywords (english)
Maxillary Sinus
Iatrogenic displacement
Ectopic Tooth
Oroantral Fistula
Dentigerous Cyst
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:807763
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor dentalne medicine (doktor dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2025-02-18 20:42:58