Abstract | The purpose of this study is to analyze the presence of self-reported mask-related dry eye disease (MADE) during the COVID-19 pandemic in healthcare practitioners. A cross-sectional study included 405 dental healthcare professionals who voluntarily and anonymously completed a survey. The online questionnaire consisted of 17 questions and included demographic characteristics and clinical characteristics: presence and deterioration of dry eye disease (DED) symptoms while wearing the face mask, personal protective face equipment, use of contact lenses, history of eye surgery, current use of medications, number of hours wearing face mask, and evaluation of subjective DED symptoms using modified Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI). An overall prevalence of MADE in our study group was 29.1% (95% CI: 24.7 - 33.6). Participants with MADE had a statistically higher OSDI score (31.25 (IQR = 22.92 – 43.75)) compared to the previous DED and non-DED participants (16.67 (IQR = 4.17 - 25), 4.17 (IQR = 0 – 10.42)) respectively. A statistically higher OSDI score 12.5 (IQR = 4.17 – 29.17) was reported by the participants who used masks more than 6 hours at the workplace compared to the participants who used masks less than 6 hours a day at the workplace, 8.33 (IQR = 0 – 22.92); Mann-Whitney U Test p = 0.040). The prevalence of self- reported MADE among dental healthcare practitioners appears to be significant. The use of a face mask for prolonged duration increases OSDI scores. |
Abstract (croatian) | Cilj rada bio je analizirati samoprijavljeni sindrom suhog oka povezanog s nošenjem maske (engl. mask-related dry eye - MADE) kod stomatologa tijekom epidemije bolesti COVID-19. Ova presječna studija uključila je 405 dentalnih zdravstvenih djelatnika koji su dobrovoljno i anonimno ispunili anketu. Online upitnik se sastojao od 17 pitanja koja su obuhvaćala demografske i kliničke podatke: prisutnost i pogoršanje simptoma bolesti suhog oka (engl. dry eye disease - DED) tijekom nošenja maske za lice, osobne zaštitne opreme za lice, korištenje kontaktnih leća, povijest operacija oka, trenutnu upotrebu lijekova, broj sati nošenja maske za lice i procjenu subjektivnih simptoma DED-a s pomoću modificiranog indeksa za bolesti očne površine (OSDI). Ukupna prevalencija MADE u našoj studijskoj skupini iznosila je 29,1% (95% CI: 24,7 - 33,6). Sudionici s MADE-om imali su statistički viši OSDI rezultat (31,25 (IQR = 22,92 – 43,75)) u usporedbi s prethodnim DED i ne-DED sudionicima (16,67 (IQR = 4,17 - 25), 4,17 (IQR = 0 – 10,42)) respektivno. Statistički viši OSDI rezultat 12,5 (IQR = 4,17 – 29,17) zabilježen je kod sudionika koji su koristili maske više od 6 sati na radnom mjestu u usporedbi sa sudionicima koji su koristili maske manje od 6 sati dnevno na radnom mjestu, 8,33 (IQR = 0 – 22,92); Mann-Whitney U test p = 0,040). Prevalencija samoprijavljenog MADE-a među dentalnim zdravstvenim djelatnicima čini se značajnom. Dugotrajna uporaba maske za lice povećava OSDI rezultate. |