Abstract | Godinama se metal-keramika smatrala zlatnim standardom za izradu krunica i mostova. Iako se pokazao relativno izdržljivim i pouzdanim, zbog određenih problema s ovim sustavom ipak je nastavljena potraga za savršenijim materijalima. Povećani estestki zahtjevi suvremenog društva naveli su na to da se metali sve više izbacuju iz upotrebe pa se kod slojevanih sustava za postizanje čvrstoće umjesto metalne jezgre počela upotrebljavati jezgra od keramika visoke čvrstoće. Međutim, unatoč postizanju vrhunskih estetskih rezultata potpuno keramičkim sustavima, nije uklonjen jedan od glavnih problema slojevanih sustava – lom obložne keramike. Slaba točka svih slojevanih nadomjestaka je spoj dvaju materijala. Uzroci loma i raslojavanja obložne keramike su multifaktorski problem. U suvremenoj dentalnoj protetici monolitni keramički nadomjesci postali su adekvatna alternativa uvriježenim sustavima, a u nekim slučajevima čak su i bolje rješenje. Razvoj CAD/CAM tehnologije ubrzava njihov razvoj i integraciju u svakodnevnu praksu. Monolitni keramički nadomjesci u potpunosti se sastoje od jedne vrste keramike i izrađeni su u jednom komadu čime se izbjegava najčešća komplikacija slojevanih sustava – lom obložne keramike. Najčešće se izrađuju od litij-disilikatne i cirkonij-oksidne keramike. Litij-disilikatna keramika odlikuje se povoljnim estetskim svojstvima pa se češće primjenjuje u rekonstrukciji prednjih zubi, dok se cirkonij-oksidna keramika odlikuje boljim mehaničkim svojstvima pa je češće materijal izbora za izradu nadomjestaka na stražnjim zubima i za višečlane nadomjeske u području većih žvačnih sila. Međutim, valja napomenuti da su suvremene cirkonij-oksidne keramike s povećanim stupnjem translucencije pogodne i za rekonstrukciju prednjih zubi. Cilj je ovog rada prikazati suvremene keramičke materijale za izradu monolitnih nadomjestaka u
fiksnoj protetici, njihova svojstva, indikacije i kontraindikacije za njihovu primjenu, specifičnosti brušenja zubi za monolitne keramičke nadomjeske, postupke cementiranja monolitnih nadomjestaka te prednosti i nedostatke monolitnih nadomjestaka u odnosu na slojevane. |
Abstract (english) | For many years, ceramo-metal restorations were considered the gold standard for making crowns and fixed partial dentures. Although it proved to be relatively durable and reliable, due to certain problems with this system, the search for more perfect materials continued. The increased aesthetic demands of modern society have led to the fact that metals are being thrown out more and more, so in layered systems, to achieve strength the metal core was substituted with a high-strength ceramic core. However, despite superior aesthetic results with all-ceramic systems, one of the main problems of
layered systems has not been eliminated – chipping of veneering ceramics. The weak point of all layered restorations is the interface of two materials. Chippins is a multifactorial problem. In modern prosthodontics, monolithic ceramic restorations have become an adequate alternative to established systems, and in some cases they are even a better solution. The development of CAD/CAM technology accelerates their progress and integration into everyday practice. Monolithic restorations consist entirely of one type of ceramic and are made in one piece, which avoids the most common complication of layered systems, i.e. chipping. They are ususally made of lithium-disilicate and zirconium oxide ceramics. Lithium-disilicate is characterized by favorable aesthetic properties, so it is usually used in the reconstruction of front teeth, while zirconium oxide is characterized by better mechanical properties, so it is more often the material of choice for making restorations on the back teeth and for multi-unit restorations in the area of higher masticatory forces. However, it should be noted that modern zirconium oxide ceramics with an increased degree of translucency are also suitable for the restoration of front teeth. The aim of this paper is to present ceramic materials for monolithic restorations in fixed prosthodontics, their properties, indications and contraindications for their use, the specifics of tooth preparation for monolithic restorations, cementation procedures, and the advantages and disadvantages of monolithic restorations compared to layered restorations. |