Abstract | Osmijeh i zubi među prvim su dijelovima lica koje primjećujemo. Gubitak zuba utječe na izgled lica, gestikulaciju, a time i na cjelokupni izgled i dojam osobe. Nadoknada zuba u estetskoj zoni predstavlja veliki izazov. Gubitak zuba zbog karijesa, traume, periapikalnih ili parodontnih bolesti dovodi do promjena na mekim tkivima i koštanim strukturama što može otežati izradu
estetski prihvatljivog nadomjeska. Gubitak zuba možemo nadoknaditi implantoprotetskom ili konvencionalnom protetskom terapijom. Uvjet uspješne implantoprotetske terapije je postavljanje implantata u optimalan položaj. Stoga je važno je napraviti detaljan klinički pregled i radiološku dijagnostiku te analizu fotografija prije donošenja odluke o vrsti terapije. U svrhu izbjegavanja pogrešaka sve se više u praksi koristi računalna tehnologija za planiranje optimalnog protetskog položaja implantata i izradu kirurških šablona. Implantate možemo imedijatno ugraditi i opteretiti privremenim nadomjescima, uz zadovoljen uvjet postizanja
primarne stabilnosti. Resorpcija kosti je manja, a mogućnost postizanja optimalnog izlaznog profila veća. Kreacija prirodnog osmijeha, na zadovoljstvo pacijenta i kliničara, je lakša. U ovom radu prikazan je slučaj imedijatne ugradnje implantata u postekstrakcijsku alveolu, pomoću kirurške šablone te izradu krunica nošenih implantatima. Pomoću intraoralnog skenera
generiran je virtualni 3D model intraoralne situacije i dizajnirana kirurška šablona za postavu implantata u protetski idealnu poziciju. Izvađeni su središnji sjekutići koje zbog loma korijena više nije moguće rekonstruirat i imedijatno ugrađeni implantati na njihova mjesta. Zatim je korištenjem intraoralnog skenera generiran virtualni model na kojem su dizajnirani privremeni
nadomjesci. Nadomjesci su potom izrađeni glodanjem iz bloka PMMA materijala i fiksirani vijkom. Nakon završetka perioda oseointegracije pristupit će se izradi konačnog nadomjeska. |
Abstract (english) | Smile and teeth are among the first parts of the face we notice. Tooth loss affects the appearance of the face, gestures, and the overall appearance and impression of a person. Restoring teeth in the aesthetic zone is a big challenge. Tooth loss due to caries, trauma, periapical or periodontal diseases leads to changes in soft tissues and bone structures, which makes the creation of aesthetically acceptable prosthetic restorations difficult. Tooth loss can be compensated with implant therapy or conventional prosthetic therapy. The condition for successful implant prosthetic therapy is implant placement in the optimal position. Because of this detailed clinical examination, radiological diagnosis and photo analysis are of great importance before deciding on the type of therapy. Any mistake, surgical or prosthetic, can lead to aesthetic failure. To avoid mistakes, computer technology is increasingly being used in practice to plan the optimal prosthetic position of implants and create surgical guides. Surgical guides help placing the implant in a biologically, functionally and aesthetically optimal position. Implants can be placed immediately after the extraction and loaded with temporary crowns if the condition of primary
stability is provided. This way, bone resorption is decreased and the possibility of achieving the optimal emergence profile is increased. The creation of a natural smile, to the satisfaction of the patient and the clinician, is easier. In this paper, a clinical case of immediate implant placement in a post-extraction socket is presented using a surgical guide and the production of implant supported crowns. Using an intraoral scanner, a virtual 3D model of the intraoral situation was generated and a surgical guide for placing the implant in a prosthetically ideal position was designed. The central incisors, which are no longer possible to reconstruct due to the fracture of roots, were extracted and implants were placed immediately. Using an intraoral scanner, a virtual model was generated and temporary crowns designed. The restorations were made by milling from a block of PMMA material and fixed with a screw. After the end of the osseointegration period, the creation of the final restoration was made. |