Title Uloga doktora dentalne medicine u ranom otkrivanju bolesti
Title (english) The role of doctors of dental medicine in the early detection of disease
Author Matea Fudurić
Mentor Marinka Mravak-Stipetić (mentor)
Committee member Marinka Mravak-Stipetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vanja Vučićević-Boras (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Katica Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Oral Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Promjene na usnoj šupljini mogu se vidjeti u mnogim sistemskim bolestima i često su upravo one prvi znakovi bolesti. Tako doktori dentalne medicine po izrazitom pečenju jezika, atrofiji papila ili bljedilu sluznice mogu sumnjati na anemiju, po metalnom okusu na bubrežnu bolest, po specifičnom zadahu, stalnim infekcijama i aftama na šećernu bolest dok kaldrmasta sluznica može biti prvi znak Crohnove bolesti. Nadalje, mogu otkriti i karcinom usne šupljine te spasti život pacijentu.
Karcinom usne šupljine šesti je po učestalosti od svih vrsta karcinoma i spada među deset najčešćih uzroka smrti. Češće zahvaća muškarce starije životne dobi, ali u novije vrijeme sve više i žene pa čak i mlađu populaciju. Često je posljedica načina života, naročito uzmemo li u obzir povećanu uporabu duhanskih proizvoda i alkohola. Najčešće zahvaća područje koje se slikovito opisuje u obliku potkove,a uključuje dno usne šupljine, postraničnu stranu jezika dok se straga širi na područje retromolarnog trokuta i na nepčane lukove.
Etiološki se povezuje s pušenjem, konzumacijom alkohola, žvakanjem lišća duhana i areka oraščića.
Prekancerozne lezije su lezije koje u određenom vremenskom periodu mogu doživjeti zloćudnu preobrazbu pa ih doktori dentalne medicine moraju na vrijeme prepoznati. U tu skupinu spadaju leukoplakija, oralni lihen, eritroplakija, aktinički heilitis te submukozna fibroza. Svakako najveći postotak zloćudne preobrazbe pokazuje eritroplakija koja u gotovo 90 % nalaza biopsije pokazuje displaziju visokog stupnja, karcinom in situ ili već invazivni karcinom.
Uloga doktora dentalne medicine u ranom otkrivanju karcinoma usne šupljine jest da redovito obavlja preglede sluznice usne šupljine svim svojim pacijentima. Takav pregled traje samo 90 sekundi, a njime se precizno može uočiti svaka promjena boje ili teksture sluznice, pojava ulceracija, izraslina, poremećaj pokretljivosti jezika. Osim pregleda svaki doktor dentalne medicine u ordinaciji može napraviti bojenje toulidinskim modrilom i na taj način vidjeti prirodu same lezije. Ako je lezija nakon bojenja potpuno plava, a perzistira već dulje vrijeme u ustima pacijenta, pacijent mora biti upućen specijalistima na daljnu dijagnostiku. Razvitkom tehnologije pojavili su se i različiti uređaji temeljeni na svjetlu koji prepoznaju sumnjive lezije i upućuju na njihovu moguću zloćudnu prirodu, a rade na principima kemiluminiscencije i fluorescencije. Ti će uređaji u budućnosti vjerojatno biti dostupni u mnogim općim ordinacijama dentalne medicine i pomoći doktorima dentalne medicine u ranom otkrivanju zloćudnoh promjena na sluznici usne šupljine.
Abstract (english) Changes in the oral cavity can be seen in many systemic diseases and are often the first signs of a disease. Thus a doctor of dental medicine may suspect anaemiaby the distinct burning on the tongue, atrophy of papillae or pale mucosa, kidney disease by a metal taste in the mouth or a specific breath, diabetes mellitus by persistent infections and ulcers, and the cobble stoning of the oral mucosa as the first sign of Crohn’s disease. Furthermore, they can detect oral cancer and save a patient’s life.
Oral cancer is the 6th of all types of cancer and it is among the 10 most common causes of death. It more often affects elderly male patients, but today more and more women, even younger population due to the way of life and increased use of tobacco products and alcohol. It usually affects the area that is vividly described as a horseshoe and includes the bottom of the oral cavity, the lateral side of the tongue, spreading back to the area of the retromolar triangle and the palatal arches.
Its etiology is associated with smoking, alcohol consumption, chewing tobacco leaves and areca nuts.
Precancerous lesions are lesions that can under go a malignant transformation in a certain period of time and a doctor of dental medicine should recognize them. These include leukoplakia, oral lichen,erythroplakia, actinic cheilitis and submucosal fibrosis. Certainly the highest percentage of malignant transformation shows erytroplakia that in almost 90 % of biopsies shows a high degree of dysplasia, carcinoma in situ or invasive cancer already. The role of doctors of dental medicine in the early detection of oral cancer is that they do regular examination of the oral mucosa to all their patients. The examination takes only 90 seconds and any change in colour or texture of the oral mucosa, ulcers, growths or a motility disorder of the tongue can be seen accurately. Apart from the clinical examination, every doctor of dental medicine can perform toluidine blue staining in their office and thus see the nature of lesions. If the lesions remain completely dark blue after the staining and persist for a long time in the mouth of a patient, the patient must be referred to specialists for histopathological analysis.
Furthermore, with the development of technologies different devicesbased on light have emerged that detect suspicious lesions and suggest their possible malignant nature and work on the principle of chemiluminescence and fluorescence. They will probably be available in many general dental offices sand help doctors of dental medicine in the early detection of oral cancer.
oralne manifestacije
fizički pregled
Keywords (english)
oral manifestations
physical examination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:545812
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-11-02 12:07:10