Abstract | Dentalnu medicinu, kao kliniĉku i znanstvenu disciplinu, prati brz razvoj ĉemu uvelike pridonosi razvoj dentalne tehnologije. Stomatološki materijali imaju dugu povijest. Od pĉelinjeg voska, bijele sadre, termoplastiĉnih materijala, hidrokoloida i elastomera do 3D digitalnih sistema skeniranja koji se razvijaju krajem 20. stoljeća. Digitalne tehnologije sve više predstavljaju glavninu tehnoloških postupaka u izradi protetskih radova. Globalni vođe s postavljenim visokim standardom u digitalnoj stomatologiji postaju tvrtke 3Shape, CEREC i Amann Girrbach. Napredna tehnika optiĉkog skeniranja i upotpunjavanje sa drugim "slikovnim" (eng. "imaging") tehnologijama poput CBCT-a, MR-a, ultrazvuka i sliĉnih, već danas omogućuje izradu otisaka potpuno usporedivih s konvencionalnima. Digitalnim uzimanjem otisaka mogu se izbjeći traumatski i stresni postupci za pacijenta i stomatologa uzrokovani tradicionalnim naĉinom otiskivanja. Takvim naĉinom otiskivanja eliminira se nekoliko koraka u radu stomatologa i zubnog tehniĉara, a ujedno se smanjio broj ponovljenih otisaka i vraćanja radova, te se povećala ukupna efikasnost rada. Digitalne tehnologije mogu se primijeniti u postupcima izrade individualne žlice koja može potencijalno biti znatno unaprijeđena u odnosu na klasiĉne postupke i tehnologije. No, funkcijski su otisci u ovom trenutku još uvijek nezaobilazni. |
Abstract (english) | Dental medicine, as a clinical and scientific discipline, is followed by the rapid development of dental technology. Materials used in dental medicine have a long history. Starting with beeswax, "Plaster of Paris", thermoplastic materials, hydrocolloid and elastomeric materials, to the 20th century’s 3D digital impressioning systems. Digital technologies represent the majority of technological processes in the development of prosthetic devices. Global leaders, which set high standards in digital dentistry, have become the companies 3Shape, CEREC and Amann Girrbach. The advanced techniques of optical scanning and completion of other imaging technologies such as CBCT's, MRI, ultrasound, and similar, allow us to produce digital impressions thoroughly comparable to the conventional ones. Traditional way of impressioning can cause traumatic and stressful situations for both the patient and the dentist. With digital impressioning we can avoid these situations, moreover it can eliminate several procedural steps in dental work. The use of digital impressioning has reduced the number of repeated impressions and restoring works, and generally it has increased the overall dental efficiency. Furthermore, digital technology could be applied in the processes of making a custom tray, which could be significantly improved by comparison with conventional procedures and technologies. However, function impressions are still indispensable at the moment. |