Title Biomehanika stomatognatog sustava
Title (english) Biomechanics of the stomatognathic system
Author Lucija Zonjić
Mentor Ketij Mehulić (mentor)
Committee member Ketij Mehulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Bergman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slađana Milardović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Fixed Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Usprkos sve višem životnom standardu, velika je pojavnost karijesa i parodontitisa koji
posljedično dovode do gubitka zuba. Gubitak zuba dovodi do estetskih i funkcionalnih
oštećenja stomatognatog sustava. Narušava se integritet zubnog niza, nastaju promjene u
parodontu, okluziji, međučeljusnim odnosima, temporomandibularnom zglobu i mišićima.
Stoga je nadomještanje zuba nužno za očuvanje zdravlja stomatognatog sustava i podizanja
kvalitete života. Moguća fiksnoprotetička rješenja kod djelomične ili potpune bezubosti su
ugradnja implantata, izrada mosta sidrenog na uporišnim zubima (vitalnih i avitalnih zuba) i/ili
implantatima. Prije izrade fiksnoprotetičkih radova važno je provesti pripremnu fazu terapije i
izraditi dobar plan liječenja. Potrebno je uzeti općemedicinsku i stomatološku anamnezu te
analizirati studijske modele i rendgenogram (RTG). Početak fiksnoprotetičke terapije počinje
u saniranim ustima. Bez obzira na složenost fiksnoprotetičke terapije, izrada plana neizostavan
je korak. Dobrim planom izbjegavaju se potencijalne greške, usklađuju se želje pacijenata s
mogućnostima struke, motivira se pacijenta te se kontrolira funkcija i estetika konačnog rada.
Plan protetičke terapije obuhvaća analizu zuba nosača i razmještaj preostalih zuba, određivanje
smjera unošenja mosta, način vezivanja mosta na nosače, odabir gradivnog materijala te
koncepta okluzije. Ocjena zuba nosača presudna je za trajnost fiksnoprotetičkog rada. Određena
je nizom elemenata poput žvačnih sila, biološkog činitelja zuba nosača, sustava i načina
fiksacije mosne konstrukcije, dispozicije za karijes i zdravstvenog stanja pacijenta.
Naposljetku, doktor dentalne medicine obavezan je pacijentu predstaviti plan terapije,
orijentacijsko vrijeme terapije, cijenu liječenja, obveze pacijenta i učestalost kontrolnih
Abstract (english) Despite the rising standard of living in Croatia, there is a high incidence of caries and
periodontitis which consequently lead to tooth loss. Tooth loss leads to aesthetic and functional
damage of the stomatognathic system. Integrity of the dentition is disturbed, changes occur in
the periodontium, occlusion, intermaxillary relations, temporomandibular joint and muscles.
Therefore, tooth replacement is necessary to preserve the health of the stomatognathic system
and improve the quality of life. Possible fixed-prosthetic solutions for partial or complete
edentulousness are implant placement, construction of a bridge anchored on abutment teeth
(vital and avital teeth) and / or implants. Before making a fixed-prosthetic procedure, it is
important to carry out the preparatory phase of therapy and make a good treatment plan. It is
necessary to take a general medical and dental anamnesis, and to analyse study models and
roendgenogram (RTG). Fixed-prosthetic therapy begins in the rehabilitated mouth. Regardless
of the complexity of fixed-prosthetic therapy the development of a plan is an unavoidable step.
A good plan avoids potential mistakes, reconciles the wishes of patients with possibilities of
the profession, motivates the patient and controls the function and aesthetics of the final work.
The plan of prosthetic therapy includes an analysis of abutment teeth and an arrangement of
remaining teeth, determining the insertion direction of a bridgetying the bridge to the
brackets/abutments, selecting the building material and the concept of occlusion. The
evaluation of abutment teeth is crucial for the durability of fixed-prosthetic work which is
determined by certain elements such as masticatory forces, biological factors of abutment teeth,
system and method of fixation of the bridge structure, caries disposition and patient's health
condition. Finally, the dentist is obliged to present a treatment plan to the patient, an
approximate duration of the therapy, a price of the treatment, patient's resposibilities and the
frequency of check-ups.
zubne proteze parcijalne fiksne
stomatognatni sustav
biomehanički fenomen
zub gubitak
Keywords (english)
Denture Partial Fixed
Stomatognathic System
Biomechanical Phenomena
Tooth Loss
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:775703
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-01-18 12:20:08