Abstract | U uvodnom dijelu diplomskog rada definira se endodont koji obuhvaća dentin i pulpu, te ta dva tkiva ostaju u bliskom funkcionalnom i strukturnom odnosu sve dok je zub vitalan. Ukoliko dođe do bolesti zubne pulpe prvi korak u endodontskom postupku je postavljanje ispravne dijagnoze bez koje ne bi bila moguća uspješna terapija. Etiologiju patološkog procesa obično nije moguće utvrditi, pa se indirektno zaključuje koji je vjerojatni uzročnik doveo do bolesti. Dio koji govori o bolesti zubne pulpe obuhvaćena su oštećenja pulpe koja nastaju na različite načine u koje spadaju nasljedne i sistemske bolesti, starosna dob, nejatrogena i jatrogena trauma. U pravilu je upala pulpe asimptomatska, ali ukoliko su prisutni simptomi radi se o akutnoj ili egzacerbaciji kroničnog pulpitisa. Kod dijagnoze bolesti zubne pulpe obrađuje se anamneza, aktualno kliničko stanje (inspekcija, perkusija, palpacija, testovi senzibiliteta , test na toplo, test na hladno, test električnom strujom, probna preparacija, test anestezijom), te dodatne pretrage (radiografsko ispitivanje). Ukoliko se klinički i radiografski pregled ne podudaraju postavlja se provizorna dijagnoza, a u suprotnom definitivna klinička dijagnoza. Nakon anamneze i kliničkog pregleda liječnik u mislima postavlja diferencijalnu dijagnozu koja se može odnositi na patološke promjene na udaljenim mjestima ili razlikovanje pulpitisa. U poglavlju hitnih endodontskih stanja kao i
endodontskih komplikacija prikazani su načini postavljanja ispravne dijagnoze. |
Abstract (english) | In the introduction to the paper, the endodont is defined that encompasses the dentin and the pulp and these two tissues remain in a close functional and structural relation as long as the tooth is vital. In case of the diseased dental pulp, the first step in the endodontic process is the making of the accurate diagnosis without which the adequate therapy would be impossible. The etiology of the pathological process is usually impossible to determine and the indirect conclusion is made concering the probable cause of the disease. The part of the paper concerning the disease of the dental pulp encompasses the damages to the pulp that occur in different ways among which are hereditary and systemic diseases, age, non-iatrogrnic and iatrogenic trauma. As a rule, the pulp inflammation ia asymptomatic, but if the symptoms are present it is either acute pulpitis or chronic pulpitis exacerbation. In the diagnosis of the dental pulp disease, the processing encompasses the history, the actual clinical status (inspection, percussion, palpation, sensibility tests, heat and cold testing, electric current test, trial preparation, anaesthesia test) as well as additional tests (radiographic test). If the clinical and the radiographic tests are not in compliance, the provisional diagnosis is made, or otherwise a definite clinical diagnosis. After establishing the history and the clinical testing, the doctor shall make a differential diagnosis which can refer to the pathological changes
on distant sites or differentiation of pulpitis. The chapter on emergency endodontic conditions and endodontic complications presents the manners of making the accurate diagnosis. |